Tra fish price hits record high

The price of tra catfish (pangasius) has hit an all-time high of VND25, 000 -26,000 per kilogram in the Mekong Delta. With this price, farmers can earn a profit of VND3, 000-4,000 per kilogram, though they cannot benefit from this at the moment as there is currently no more fish to sell. At present, seafood [...]

Tra fish prices climb, factories lack fish

Although basa fish prices peaked at VND19,000 (US$0,97) per kilogramme, factories under the Viet Nam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers have lost 50 per cent of their fish supply. While fish prices were low and the feed price was high, farmers lost interest in raising their basa fish cultivation. Furthermore, local banks refuse to [...]

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