Investment Support in Vietnam
Support in technology transfer
The government creates favorable conditions and ensures legal rights and benefits of parties in technology transfer including joint capital through technology to implement investment projects in Vietnam according to legal documents on intellectual property and on technology transfer. Values of technology which is used as a type of capital of technology values which is transferred to other parties are decided by different parties and must be indicated in the contracts of technology transfer.
The government encourages investors to transfer into Vietnam the advanced, sourcing and manufacturing technology in order to increase production values, competition, quality of products, savings and efficient usages of resources, natural resources; encourages the investment for updating technology and enhancing capacity in management and utilization of technology.
Based on socio-economic development objectives, the government has policies in supporting small and medium enterprises to invest in research, implementation and transfer of technology.
Support in training
The government encourages and supports investors to set up a training fund from investment capital and from sponsorship of foreign and domestic individuals, organizations as specified follow:
- Training fund established is not for profits, it is entitled to tax reduction and exemption as stated in legal documents on taxation;
- Training costs spent by economic agencies are counted as legal expenditures to calculate taxable incomes of enterprises.
The government supports enterprises through budget allocation for training programes in human resource development.
The government has plans and programs in supporting for preparing and developing human resources for small and medium enterprises.
Support and encourage the development of investment services
The state encourages and supports individuals, organizations to implement the following investment support services:
- Counseling or consultation in investment and management
- Counseling in intellectual properties and technology transfer
- Vocational training, technical training and management skill development
- Provision of information on market, techniques and sciences, on other socio-economic news as required by investors
- Marketing and implementing investment and trade activities
- Establishing and participating in social organizations, socially professional associations.
- Establishing centers for design and experimental work to support the development of small and medium enterprises.
Investment in infrastructure development in industrial, manufacturing, hi-tech zones and economic zones
Based on the comprehensive plans of industrial, manufacturing, hi-tech and economic zones as approved by the Government, Ministries and Ministerial level agencies, Provincial People Committees develop investment plans and organize the development of infrastructure and societal areas surrounding the industrial, manufacturing, hi-tech and economic zones under their management.
For some areas with difficult socio economic situations, the State supports part of capital for local governments to share with investors to construct basic infrastructure inside the industrial, manufacturing zones in line with the government regulations.
The state uses national budget and preferential credits to support investors in the basic socio and technical infrastructure development inside the hi-tech and economic zones, and mobilizes capital for investment in the basic infrastructure development in these zones.
Visa for arrival to and departure from Vietnam
Investors implementing investment activities, experts and technical workers who are foreigners and regularly working in the investment projects in Vietnam as well as their accompanying family members are entitled to multiple entry visas. The validity of the visa is 1 year as maximum for one grant.
Tags: Investment Support in Vietnam, Vietnam investment consulting, Vietnam investment process