Gold price loses 37m dong/tael threshold
The interbank average forex rate announced by the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) on March 16 is 20,658 dong/US dollar, falling 5 dong/US dollar day on day and the ceiling FX rate applied at commercial banks is 20,865 dong/US dollar.
Previously, the interbank average forex rate has been retained at 20,663 dong/US dollar for three consecutive days.
In the domestic market, the SJC gold price is being traded at 36.82â€36.94 million dong/ tael, falling 230,000 dong/tael day on day and the SBJ gold price at Sacombank is at 36.81â€36.93 million dong/tael.
Closing the trading session yesterday Tuesday March 15, in the domestic market, the SJC gold price was traded at 37.05â€37.17 million dong/tael and the SBJ gold price was 37.06â€37.17 million dong/tael. – Vietbiz24
Tags: vietnam gold, Vietnam gold market, Vietnam gold prices