Disbursed ODA capital in H1 reaches 18pct of yr’s plan
As reported by the Ministry of Finance (MoF), the total ODA (official development assistance) capital value of ODA programs and projects signed in the first six months of this year reached $293,270 (5.8 billion dong).
MoF has been managing and carrying out 20 ODA programs and projects. The total actually disbursed value of projects reached nearly 154 billion dong, or 18% of the year’s plan.
The disbursement on financial management and public management sectors reached the highest ratio.
The disbursement ratio from World Bank-funded projects reached 8% and disbursement from finances of Sweden government, Denmark, Canada, Netherlands through projects in 2009-2014 reached only 9%.
The actualized ODA capital from the non-refundable aid of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) for public financial management reform project reached the highest disbursement (106%), exceeding the approved plan. – Vietbiz24
Tags: Vietnam ODA projects